Virtual Training

Your current process won’t get you to the next level of your life... It may not even get you close.

You need a new approach. Come join us today to...

Jump Start Your Productivity!

Jump Start Your Productivity with Dr Sarah

Your current process won’t get you to the next level of your life...It may not even get you close.

You need a new approach.
Come join us today to...

Jump Start Your Productivity!

The Jump Start Your Productivity program will help you…

Get Immediate Relief Learn how to take a breath, focus, and start being effective

find the peace you crave

Find the Peace You Crave Establish a routine to enjoy time with your family, take a vacation, or just have "you" time and know that things are handled

Turn Up The Productivity Set up your everyday surroundings so you can get it all done with time to spare

Plan For Success Create a flexible template for your week so that you no longer have to wonder when your most important activities will get done

Figure Out What to Do When Learn which activities will REALLY get you where you want to go and how to fit them in

You'll learn the steps to finally break through and create a more peaceful productive life.


In-depth instruction. Make changes. Get it done! 

Finally...Simple, Doable, Productivity! You will learn how to:

  • Immediately figure out where you are wasting time and make changes to get more done
  • Create daily and weekly routines that allow you to know that the important things are just handled  
  • Set up and follow a consistent weekly planning process that works for you
  • Have a process to plan for success and keep steering toward your goals
  • Learn how to choose the activities that will really get you where you want to go and how to fit them in

Register NOW and these BONUS offers will catapult YOU forward:

  • Time Matters Success Strategy Session with Dr. Sarah! ($500 value) - This private conversation with Dr. Sarah will help you get clear on your next best move to manage your time and tasks in a way that works for you!
  • Set Your Office up for Success Virtual Retreat ($2000 Value) - During this working session, Dr. Sarah will walk you through the steps to get your office set up for the remainder of 2024.
  • All Course Material For Your Success Library. You will receive Agendas, Handouts, and recordings of each module so you can review materials any time you choose.

This total package is valued over $4500 Your Investment is only $1997 $997!

Program Details: 

  • Once a week for five weeks, you will receive an email reminder about accessing a new Jump Start Your Productivity training module which will include video, agenda, handouts and more.
  • Direct access to Dr. Sarah via three LIVE Q&A calls, held every other Wednesday over zoom. During these calls, Dr. Sarah will answer any questions that you have related to the training. The call will be recorded. If you can't attend live, simply email your questions in advance, they'll be answered on the call, and you can listen to the recording at your convenience.
  • Dedicated time during each training session to do the work and set yourself up for success.  
  • All course materials for your personal success library.

Virtual Training from the comfort of your home office

You’re protected by my True Focus “Satisfaction First” Guarantee. I’m confident that when you join Jump Start Your Productivity, you’re going to be thrilled. I also know that if you follow the steps and do the work, you will get clarity on how to design your own way of managing time so it works for you! You'll know how to set up your time to focus on getting the important things done. To back that up, I’ll give you until the second class to live with the work and REALLY decide if it’s for you in your heart. If you complete module 1 & worksheets - and STILL it has not impacted your understanding of how to manage your time and increase your productivity, just let me know – before class 2 - and get a full refund!

About Sarah

Dr. Sarah Reiff-Hekking is a Coach, Speaker, and Time Management Expert with nearly 20 years’ experience helping people create and achieve their goals. In 2005, she founded True Focus Coaching and as a business savvy entrepreneur, grew a successful coaching practice during a down economy. Dr. Reiff-Hekking specializes in helping entrepreneurs and professionals get a grip on their time so they can get to the next level in their lives and businesses. She believes there are no ‘perfect’ time management systems and just as Michelangelo had to chip away at the stone to find the statue, we have to get rid of all the extra stuff that isn’t the core of your life. She offers private and group coaching services in person and virtually. Find out more about her at  

"I love Dr. Sarah! Her Jump Start Your Productivity program helped me progressively create the habits I needed in order to get the most out of my day (which to me means getting done what I want to get done and still feel like I have a life!). I loved the format because it was easy to do get the training, and actually DO the homework." 

Karen Rohlf, Dressage Naturally

"Before I went through Jump Start Your Productivity I sometimes felt uber productive spinning plates and getting stuff done…But in reality, I was wasting time and energy! During this course I learned how to manage my boundaries to get more time back for me. I now have more dedicated energy for myself and the important things in my life get done. I no longer leak energy just spinning. Thank you, Dr. Sarah, for a robust course that only took a few weeks!"

Esther Miller, Whoop-Ass Healing


"I highly recommend Jump Start Your Productivity! This program has enabled me to increase and improve my focus during working hours, while giving me the time I need for family and self-care. Thanks to Dr. Reiff-Hekking’s compassionate coaching, I’m growing my business without getting overwhelmed."

Ari Weinstein, AriW Solutions LLC