Spring is Here... Are you ready to Stop putting things off and start getting stuff DONE?
Spring is Here... Are you ready to Stop putting things off and start getting stuff DONE?
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You can't believe you have so much to do at work and you are not doing what you are supposed to be doing.
And it's killing you, because you get that gut ache throughout the day but don't stop long enough to address it, you just think "I'll do better tomorrow" but you never do...
You keep telling yourself that if you could just sit down and grind through it, you'd be fine.
You may be practicing the GTD system or Stephen Covey's methods, but somehow it still doesn't feel easy. It doesn't feel like a system that works with how you think or you just can't seem to keep the system going...
You know you can't do it all at work and home, but you don't how you will ever say No when everything seems so important.
There just doesn't seem to be a way to prioritize and figure out what to do When or How to choose what to say No to...
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About Sarah
Sarah Reiff-Hekking, Ph.D. is a Speaker, Coach, and Clinical Psychologist with 20 years of experience helping people create and achieve their goals. She received her Ph.D. from SUNY at Stony Brook in 1997 and Coach Certification from MentorCoach. She was on the faculty at UMass Medical School for 6 years. She founded True Focus Coaching in 2005 and as a business savvy entrepreneur grew a successful coaching practice during a down economy.
Dr. Reiff-Hekking empowers entrepreneurs and professionals to get a grip on time so that they can get to the next level in their business and life. She believes that there are no 'perfect' time management systems - you have to find the system that works right for you and that solutions are found by paying attention to the present moment. She also teaches that just like Michelangelo had to chip away at the stone to find the statue, we have to get rid of all the extra stuff that isn't the core of your life. She offers private and group coaching services in person and virtually. Find out more about her at www.TrueFocusCoaching.com.
"Sarah’s approach is so unique. It isn’t just about the tools... you get these great tools but you also really get to tailor them to yourself and you really learn about yourself in the process - and that’s hugely valuable."
Rosie Taylor, Business Owner
I feel more in control of my time and commitments, and more relaxed on a regular basis. I am better able to determine what a priority is for me and what is not. I have also come to see that once I give my time away, I can never get it back, so it’s important that I make conscientious choices about how I spend it. I highly recommend you work with Sarah if you want to create space in your life, both personally and professionally. I’m so glad I did!"
Laura Robbins, Business Owner
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